We know your baby is the most precious thing in the world to you and you’ll do anything to keep them safe, Breast-feeding is the best option for babies. When breast-feeding is insufficient or impossible, it is important to have access to high-quality infant formula. Nutrisaine milk formula that provides safe, high-quality and scientifically based infant formula. Giving your baby formula in addition to breastfeeding is known as supplementing, it’s completely fine and perfectly safe to do.
Many families choose this type of combination feeding method, many families choose this type of combination feeding strategy for a variety of reasons, low breast milk supply, convenience, or simply personal preference. In some cases, breastfeeding and providing formula may be advised by a doctor for medical reasons. For the first 12 months of life, the only safe alternative to breastmilk is baby formula.
It may take some time for a breastfed baby to adapt to bottle feeding because they must use a different sucking action.